Hope: Overcoming Despair

When we cultivate hope we can navigate hard times without despair. As Amanda Suarez says, "When I think about the way real deep transcendent hope shows up, it's a fundamental trust in life — that life will support us, that life will hold us through the ups and downs. So deep hope really has no object. There's no need for a certain outcome. There's no need to reach a certain place."


Om Podcasten

Uplift Kids helps families start conversations about timeless values and expansive spirituality. In this podcast from the cofounders of Uplift Kids, Jon Ogden interviews Amanda Suarez, a school psychologist and conscious parenting coach, and Michelle Larson, a marriage and family therapist associate. We look at what the emerging science and wisdom traditions teach about how to navigate big feelings as well as how to integrate practices that nurture spiritual health at home. For more, see: https://upliftkids.org/