How to Teach in Active Learning Spaces

Kem Saichaie talks about how to teach in active learning spaces on episode 509 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Flexibility requires familiarity. -Kem Saichaie Oftentimes, at least at the research intensive level, we have this false comparison between STEM and non STEM types of teaching in classrooms. -Kem Saichaie At the heart of many active learning classroom design spaces is the concept of flexibility. -Kem Saichaie Resources A Guide to Teaching in the Active Learning Classroom, by Baepler, Walker, Brooks, Saichaie, and Petersen Students Put Teaching and Learning Complex to the Test, by Sudhiksha Shanbhag Kota Is Active Learning Accessible? Exploring the Process of Providing Accommodations to Students with Disabilities, by Gin, Guerrero, Cooper, and Brownell Various definitions to explore, when considering active learning spaces: pedagogical, physical, and psychological Design Justice Network Kem’s Bonni’s name-coach Sarah Silverman’s workshops

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