45: "Fat and Fabulous" - Alison Perry on Reclaiming Confidence During Mid-Life and Perimenopause
Today I'm talking to the brilliant Alison Perry, Instagrammer, writer, and host of the Not Another Mummy Podcast, about reclaiming your mojo mid-life, especially after having kids and entering the perimenopause. In this episode we discuss:👉 Alison's peri journey so far, and how the peri space is rife with diet culture, toxic wellness messaging, and anti fatness 👉 Supporting kids in their changing bodies (especially when our own bodies are also changing)👉 What it means to reclaim your confidence mid-life and embrace being fat and fabulous!Come and let us know what you thought of the episode in the comments over on canihaveanothersnack.com. If you'd like to sign up to receive bonus podcasts from CIHAS, you can upgrade your subscription here.