Floating in Stars for Anxiety and Stress

This is one of my favorite go to practices for creating a deep sense of serenity. Bonus is once you know how to "get there" it begins to become NATURAL to go there in a few breaths anytime you need. Of course for an even deeper experience you can always come back and listen to this guided meditation in its entirety again. Enjoy the deep mind relaxation in this guided meditation. This episode is brought to you by Honeylove. Treat yourself to the best bras on the market and save 20% Off at http://honeylove.com/minis today!

Om Podcasten

Short guided meditations to calm your anxiety, overcome negative thinking, increase your confidence, and more. Don’t think you have the time, or mental focus, to meditate? Most of these mind-shifting meditations are 10 minutes or less. Soothe your stress away and feel better fast with this award winning guided meditation podcast by Hypnotherapist Chel Hamilton today. For more information visit: https://meditationminis.com (https://meditationminis.com/) Please Note: The meditations presented in this podcast are from a wide variety of sources and do not subscribe to any particular ideology. Please do not listen to this meditation podcast or any other guided meditations while doing something that requires your complete attention...like driving your car.