429 | The State of Tabletop Journalism | with Jason and Rascal News

Jason speaks with Lin Codega, Chase Carter and Rowan Zeoli, the founders of the new tabletop journalism outfit Rascal News, about the current state of the industry (hint, not so great) and why they are trying to start up an alternative. Rascal News - rascal.news Shelf Stories YouTube (with video of this recording) - www.youtube.com/shelfstories __________________________________ YouTube - www.youtube.com/onestopcoopshop www.youtube.com/channel/UCPCIkULbgzMEW612cSdUX7Q Discord - discord.gg/p4jX8AF Facebook - www.facebook.com/onestopcoopshop Donate to One Stop Co-op Shop - www.patreon.com/onestop Email - onestopcoopshop@gmail.com

Om Podcasten

One Stop Co-Op Shop is a podcast about cooperative boardgames. This podcast has revolving hosts every other week. Every other week we take one game and break it down to it's top 5 points (the good, the bad and our overall impressions). After we discuss the game we have a design discussion about one of the parts of the game. This podcast is hosted by Peter Gousis and Michael Kelley. On the other weeks Steve Kingsley and a rotating co-host do a top 5 review and have a related discussion. Jason Perez has episodes on Wednesdays focusing more on Solo gaming, with a lean toward Co-Op solos. To see our other content check out the links below: YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrOtGhui_jdLdoQNI7PU4Pg and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPCIkULbgzMEW612cSdUX7Q Podcast - https://soundcloud.com/onestopcoopshop Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/onestopcoopshop Discord - https://discord.gg/p4jX8AF Facebook - www.facebook.com/onestopcoopshop Donate to One Stop Co-op Shop - https://www.patreon.com/onestop Email - onestopcoopshop@gmail.com